Sleep diary
Here’s a sleep diary (pdf) to help little ones (and adults) get a good night’s sleep. There are several advantages to using a sleep diary, especially for those seeking to
White noise
White noise machines used to help babies and children fall asleep have been examined by scientific research, but the results are still few and uncertain. The few studies that have
Links between self-soothing and sleep autonomy
1- Self-soothing : Is the ability of babies and children to find comfort on their own, without the intervention of another person, at any time of the day or night,
Teddy bears and blankets
Teddy bears and blankets, or transitional objects, are not a recent concept, having first appeared in scientific literature in the 1950s. The first studies on the subject were aimed at
Sleep and emotions
What if learning to sleep also meant learning to regulate your emotions? Sleep: the dance between night and day. From the very first year of a child’s life, sleep plays
Breathing and movement sensors
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a source of concern for many parents. Since the early 2000s, there has been a sharp drop in the number of deaths from over
Sleep regressions
Sleep scientists agree that sleep regressions are a myth, they don’t exist. In reality, the evolution of sleep never goes backwards. Variations are normal: toddlers sleep in waves, with their
Naître et Grandir infographic
Here is a downloadable (pdf) fact sheet from Naître et Grandir that summarizes how to promote better sleep in children in a nutshell. Download a print-friendly version : How can
Naître et Grandir: How sleep affects development and behaviour
This fact sheet from Naître et Grandir presents the realities of sleep for children aged 1 to 12: their sleep needs, signs of fatigue and the impact of sleep on
Naître et Grandir: Babies and Sleep
This fact sheet from Naître et Grandir presents the realities of sleep for babies aged 0 to 12 months, divided into age groups. They discuss sleep needs, the evolution of
Naître et Grandir: Helping your child fall asleep
This fact sheet from Naître et Grandir discusses the causes of difficulties falling asleep or refusing to go to bed in children. The impact of daytime and nighttime activities on
How to manage the transition to stopping naps
My child seems to need naps less and less, what should I expect during this transition? During the first 5 years of life, a child’s sleep needs evolve from multiple
When to stop naps?
Is napping still essential after a certain age? When can one confidently stop? Despite the recent surge in research on children’s sleep and the growing awareness of the importance of
Short sleeper? Long sleeper?
There comes a time when we all ask ourselves: Does my child still need to take a nap? A need that changes with age, just like learning to walk Around
Is sleeping with your baby a good idea? Here’s what the science says
Scientific evidence allows parents to choose the sleeping arrangement that’s right for them and their family. (Shutterstock) Gabrielle Fréchette-Boilard, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) et Evelyne Touchette, Université du
Night terrors: causes and what to do about them
Night terrors are a normal part of children’s development and tend to disappear with age, just like nightmares. It is important to differentiate between a nightmare and a night terror.
Nightmares: causes, when to worry, what to do
Nightmares are a normal part of children’s development, just like night terrors. It is important to differentiate between a nightmare and a night terror. When a child has a nightmare,
Nightmares or night terrors: distinguish to act more effectively
Many parents are confronted with their child’s first nightmares or night terrors when they reach the age of one or two, and wonder how to react to help them through
Sleep and screens: recommendations
Here are the current recommendations for managing young children’s relationship with screens in order to specifically protect their sleep: 0 screen time or as little as possible, not too
Sleep and screens: avoiding the negative effects of screen time
Research on the relationship between screen time and individuals’ health, particularly in terms of sleep quality, is relatively new. The variable and keyword in question were first introduced on search
When to consult?
Many parents are concerned about their child’s sleep and want to know when to seek professional help. Who needs to sleep? My child? Me? Both? Who needs sleep? There are
Nighttime evolution
But why is my child starting to wake up at night again? He was sleeping through the night! It is important to have realistic expectations because it is true that
Insights on bedtime and sleep methods.
Here is a three-part look at falling asleep and bedtime and sleep training methods with heartfelt scientific evidence to help you make informed decisions about your child’s sleep.
Toddler sleep realities
In this article, Evelyne presents the following sleep realities and discusses methods for acquiring sleep. Three sleep realities 1- Sleep is a pillar of health, just like healthy eating and
Pictograms, a tip for the pre-sleep routine
Here are 7 printable pictograms to help make your pre-bedtime routine be fun and predictable. Studies show that routines: promotes falling asleep reduces bedtime resistance helps consolidate sleep – reduces
Who needs to sleep?
Why do so many of us downplay the impact of sleep deprivation, whether it’s related to the arrival of a child or other life changes? Why do we find it
Signs of lack of sleep
Signs of lack of sleep are the key to determining if our child needs sleep at this time or if they have a sleep debt to catch up on. Signs
The 3S, Pre-sleep Routine
A routine is defined by a succession of actions repeated over time. The pre-sleep routine is what we do every night before going to bed. It prepares the body for
Stability of sleep schedules
Always, no. Exactly to the second either. As often as possible, yes. As for taking the train, it is a question of being at the station on time, that is
Sleep train
What is a sleep train? A sleep train is a succession of cars, which we also call “sleep cycles”. These start around the age of 4 months. The sleep cycle
Night awakenings
Studies show that babies wake up an average of three times during the night, some more, some less. The key to knowing if your child is sleep deprived is to
Parental Management of sleep debt in 4 steps
When you’re at the end of your rope because of sleep deprivation caused by your child’s sleep-wake rhythm and learning to sleep independently, it’s good to take a step back
Sleep Duration Recommendations
The answer to this question is not simple and cannot be limited to one number. The need for sleep varies greatly among children and their ages. Moreover, sleep duration does
Variability between children – sleeping through the night
Many parents wonder when their children will sleep through the night, sometimes even before their baby is born.